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Why social networks cause so many suicide ?

Updated: Apr 15, 2018

In a society where medias are at the heart of everything, it's important to be able to separate the good and the bad sides of this tool.

Whether on Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat, young people under 20 are very present. However, it is not always a very secure place. If it also affects adults, cyber-harassment is particularly popular among minors among them, participating in all violence within the school environment.

In France, 6% of young people (under 20) are victims of cyber-harassment. 7% of middle school students say they are victims of harassment "severe" or "very severe".

Among those who have already been harassed online, 68% say they have received a private message insulting, 41% have been victims of false rumors on the web, 39% admitted to receiving a derogatory message on their profile and 34% on a photo.

"You're too ugly, too big, I wonder why you're still alive"

A lot of people have resorted to suicide because of the wickedness of their classmates.

Let's talk about Juliette, who is an example among so many other young teens..

This 15 year old schoolgirl threw herself under a train in Lisieux on March 3, 2016, because of the pictures of her naked, taken by her boyfriend, wich had resurfaced some time earlier.

After the diffusion of these photos, she received so many messages ungracious on social networks, like Facebook and Instagram. Some people have even written tweets to humiliate her "You're too ugly, too big, I wonder why you're still alive".

Juliette did not let anything appear of her pain. Before dying, she wrote a letter to her parents apologizing because her image had been soiled by them. In this letter, she denounced the teenagers.

Six teenagers were indicted after this act.

This tragic event must make teens aware that nastiness can make people do horrible things. But also understand that the use of social networks is sometimes very dangerous

How to make people understand the negative effect of this tool?

We have all been touched by this kind of event one day in our life, that's why "13 reasons to why", the series created from a true story, moved so many people. Hanna Baker is a young high school girl who has ended her life because of many nasty acts done by her classmate.

TV shows are a good way to raise awareness of the dangers of social networks to teenagers.

To try to minimize this phenomenon, an application has been created, "STOPBLUES".

It allows users to access, anonymously, to information (videos of professionals, patients or relatives), or to fill out self-assessment questionnaires to detect a possible risk of suicide.


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Apr 16, 2018

Important and well done. I look forward to hearing you expand on the questions asked below. Good job.


Manon Lartizien
Manon Lartizien
Apr 15, 2018


Hi Clara, this is a good comment.

Indeed, after this series that deals with the suicide of a girl, teenagers were "shocked" to see how words could destroy a person.

So yes, I think this series has had a real impact on our society. But that's just my opinion!


Manon Lartizien
Manon Lartizien
Apr 15, 2018


Absolutely! It is a very serious act, which can destroy a lot of family. I think that we don't educate young people enough about the dangers of social networks.


Manon Lartizien
Manon Lartizien
Apr 15, 2018


Hello Alice,

Fortunately no, but we must remain vigilant. I will be sad to hear that this is your case...


Manon Lartizien
Manon Lartizien
Apr 15, 2018


No, I don't think it's related to this addiction. But rather that people do not think about what they say on social networks, and can touch sensitive people.

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