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Social networks : the place to express your opinions !

Confronted every day with lies, and false advertising, it is often difficult to fully trust the ads of a company... In search of truth, users trust the opinions of other consumers.

Social networks can be a place where consumers meet to discuss, criticize, advise... It is a place of sharing when we are lost on the sincerity of a brand, or on the efficiency of a product.

Customer Reviews on facebook: danger or opportunities for brands?

Facebook has opened its pages to the customer recommendation. Brands that choose it can be rated by their fans on a scale of 1 to 5. These ratings, that users can argue, are new opportunities for brands, but also the risk of degradation for their e-reputation.

According to an IFOP survey released on 17 March 2015, 88% of Internet users consult consumer opinions on blogs, social networks, forums or sites before making an online purchase, and 73% consult them before buy in store. E-reputation is now an integral part of the buying process.

Brands must therefore give importance to their e-reputation. This is where the community manager is important, to answer the bad comments and the questions of the customers.

To conclude, we can say that social networks can be a source of important information and trust for consumers who don't know who to trust, but also a huge risk for brands.

So that's essential for companies to be very present on social networks, to avoid bad buzz.


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