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Fake news: who to believe?

Updated: Apr 14, 2018

Wrong facts, fake news, rumors, accusations wrongly... Faced with the rise of misinformation on social networks, we don't know who to believe.

Indeed, social networks, gather the citizens, allow the exchange and push to the curiosity, but they remain very criticized. Where the information took several days to spread now, it only takes a few seconds to reach very large spheres of people.

It is possible to see a lot of "fake news" during the election periods. Indeed, what better to weaken his adversary than to share unfounded information on social networks? In France, Marion Le Pen for example, had reccourt to this practice, to try to destabilize Emmanuel Macron. Donald Trump also shared many rumors on his opponent Hillary Clinton during the elections.

It's very easy to do brainwashing, and make citizens confused and lost, who don't know what to think about this multitude of information, often false.

So don't be naive !

The sharing of false information is very reccurent to announce false deaths.

On October 19, 2010, Johnny Hallyday is the victim of a death rumor on the social network Facebook where a person has created a group announcing his death "of a heart attack". The page brings together 30,000 fans in just a few hours before the rocker re-establishes the truth. Once again in 2012, then in 2017.

It's Beyoncé's turn in 2016 to learn about her own death on social networks.

Many countries want to deal with these "fake news" that are becoming more and more common on social networks. France for example, realized The "law of reliability and trust of information" to fight against that.

We have to be vigilant and incredulous against this kind of manipulation.


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9 comentários

16 de abr. de 2018

Great article. Good job.


Charlotte Hamon
Charlotte Hamon
15 de abr. de 2018

Good article Manon, congrats !

But, do you think that one day, because of the Fake News, a dramatic event will really happen ?

Already I'm afraid that news like "beyonce is dead" some people are ready to commit suicide because of this ...




Manon Lartizien
Manon Lartizien
15 de abr. de 2018


Hi Noemie! Indeed, it is in the big media that we find the most fake news! So, I think we have to make the difference, between good and bad information. I'm not saying that there are fake news on all media but most yes.


Manon Lartizien
Manon Lartizien
15 de abr. de 2018


Hi Alice. Thank you for your comment. As I said before, it's really hard to deal with its fake news, because they are published and shared all day long, on all media. However, we can be less naive. For example, by learning on a real source, or by talking about the subject you are not sure, with our family, our friends or even our teachers.


Manon Lartizien
Manon Lartizien
15 de abr. de 2018


Thank's for you interest. I think that it's very difficult to avoid fake news, because socials networks are very very big, so, there are fake news everywhere. Moreover, we have to be vigilant, and not believe everything.

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