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WHAt ?

Awareness is a blog created by four friends studying communication and advertising at ISCOM Paris.


Because social media are becoming omnipresent in our everyday-life, this blog wants to raise awareness about risks, threats, and opportunities created by social media.


For you.


I am 19 years old. I left from my lovely island, Corsica, to come to study at ISCOM PARIS.

To know my personality better, you have to know two essential things about me: I like traveling and surfing. I am ambitious, very open-minded, and I make sure that everything I do is done right.

Manon Lartizien

I am a 17 year-old surfer raised on the French West Coast, now studying communication and advertising at ISCOM Paris. I love creativity, puns, visual art and crepes. Upon contact with other people, I behave like a leader and like being right. I also try to be funny, in vain.

Guillaume Paulus

My name is Anissa I am 20 years old, my favorite subjetcs are English & Litterature. I love writting, because in my opinion all writting is a vision of the world. I defined myself as cool and determined.

Anissa Bahi

I am a 19 year-old student at ISCOM Paris, DJ on my lost hours and passionate of cinema.

It's a pleasure to share our articles with you.

Tom Camus

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