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Social networks : a paradoxical voice

Updated: Jun 4, 2018

In every era, cultures go through numerous changes, and in recent years ours has been more impacted than anything else by social media. There are many good things about it, and many bad things. Or should I say we can use our platforms to make it great, or to make it like a living hell.

During this past decade, we have been the witnesses of so many events, historical moments and more. To illustrate the fact that people can be great and thoughtful but also evil, I’ve chosen the following examples:

November 13, 2015: Paris attacks, I was 17 years old and I still remember going on Twitter that night, people were tighter than ever helping the survivors finding a place to stay, helping them reaching out to their families, a huge movement was born that night, we were broken but faced it together.

That was one of the moment I knew that social media are only a reflection of what we do, and what we can do.

Harassment: Whether you are aware of it or not, harassment on social networks is a real thing. It has becoming even more real because the bullies can hide behind their phones, computers, they are protected in a certain way. They have power over their victims they can spread rumors over them without worrying being in any trouble. They don’t have any real efforts to make just invent lies and press a button, and it’s even more dramatic that those lies are on the internet, because everyone can see them, everything is so digitizing that it will never disappear and that’s how they ruin people’s life and push them to suicide.

It’s so mean and so little to hide behind your computer.

So next time you want to make fun of someone online remember, you will hurt his or her feelings and you don’t know their sensibility. Just be a grown person use your voice, raise awareness for injustices, and use the platforms we have been given in a positive way.

Anissa BAHI

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