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Social networks piracy

Updated: Apr 15, 2018

You probably use the internet on a daily basis just like most of us. You probably

do, because internet remains the tool of this decade, but what makes us spend

most of our day on the internet is social networks. Indeed, we are the Y

generation which means we were practically raised with social networks, like it

or not it’s a fact: Facebook is the first media in the world its platform approach

2 billion of users, Instagram stories tops 200M daily users, now bigger than

Snapchat and the list goes on. We love to share, to post, to like, to keep up

with everyone’s life but mostly for them to know all about us, well you should

know there’s a real danger about it, you should think twice before getting any

personal information out there. Any social network has security, but it’s still

not enough to prevent piracy.

Easy targets ?

I would like to think as a daily user of platforms such as Instagram, Twitter or

even Snapchat that my personal data are safe and protected, that no one

would have access to it, without my consentement. But is it my fault ? Our fault

if sometimes we get hacked ? Well no, but we can do something about it, or at

least try. When you first create an account on any kind of platforms make sure

you choose a complicated password with numbers and letters. Almost like a

code, if you want to make sure you want have any problem in the future,

nothing personal or related to you it would be too easy for the pirates.

Ransoms ?

Reading this title and the following sentences you would suppose I am crazy, I

wish I was but it’s a sad truth. Your data are a source of money for social

networks for example Facebook sells your personal data to brands so they can

reach you or your news, draw your intention onto their websites and get you to

buy and consume their products if it’s not business ! If only this scenario

happened to be the only one we are facing with social networks, but there is

some cases that goes really far. Social networks and brands use your personal

data to make legal money if I must say, but hackers know how much it’s

precious to us. They hack personal profiles with everything that they contain

such as pictures, videos… once they are in position of power they ask for

money or they threat people of exposing their personal belongings. Sometimes

it can ruin a life, imagine a young teenager having all of her pictures which are

sometimes not only random pictures if you follow me, exposed all over the


So, if you’re not a genius in software like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, I

recommend you follow my advices or just go back to the old days and send

letters when you want to catch up with someone it would allow you to improve

your English. Just kidding, remember to be careful and it will be fine.


57 views9 comments


Anissa Bahi
Anissa Bahi
Apr 16, 2018

Hi Ines, indeed there is a lot of threats on the internet, everytime you get a personal information shared it's a risk you take.


Anissa Bahi
Anissa Bahi
Apr 16, 2018

Hi Léna, I already have been hacked, it was stressful but thank God nothing happened on my personal acccount. That's why after this I really wanted to be educated about it.


Anissa Bahi
Anissa Bahi
Apr 16, 2018

Hi Annaëlle, I don't understand your question.


Anissa Bahi
Anissa Bahi
Apr 16, 2018

Hello Noémie, I think with the recent scandale on Facebook, people can try to make themselves heard


Apr 16, 2018

Good article. Important. Please answer the questions below.

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