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Social Networks: a new way to create relationships?

Social networks have grown into the Trend of this decade, everyone uses them it has become an addiction, a way of living. It’s the most used way to communicate nowadays with friends and family. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr… the more we use them, the more we get to connect, to understand and to discover other people their way of living, their culture. We may be conscious about it or not but it’s a great aspect of social networks.

Fandoms, Communities:

I have mentioned Twitter and Tumblr already, they are two social networks I think of when I hear the word “fandom” and “community”. If you have never heard about it before let me explain, what are fandoms and communities on social networks:

Fandom or fan base: The fans of a particular well-known person, group, team, etc. considered as a distinct social grouping.

Community: a social group of any size whose members often have a common cultural and heritage or a sharing common interests.


As it becomes a success, companies are developing all sorts of apps that can be mainly download for free. The one kind that succeed the most is dating apps such as Meetic, Tinder, Attractive World… I guess it has so much success because everything is digitizing nowadays and also because it’s an easier and faster way to reach out to the rest of the world. We are over letters it’s so outdated dah guys.

If you still hesitated on having social networks, I personally recommended you go for it. For one good reason it’s because it does bring people together I have wonderful memories I would never experience if I wasn’t part of a fan base. I am lucky to call some people I met through social networks my friends. It is a cool experience you get to learn about people who don’t even have the same time zone as you how crazy? Well I’ll give it to you for conversations it’s not that simple but otherwise you want even have to watch the news anymore to know about what happened in China.


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3 則留言

Anissa Bahi
Anissa Bahi

Hi Alexandra, I think it does my whole article is about this very subject



Lovely blog. Good articles. Make sure you answer the questions people have asked you. both in writing and then be able to talk about them with me during the oral. See you soon.


Alexandra Lallemand
Alexandra Lallemand

Hi Anissa,

Do you think social networks can bring people together? :)

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