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Social media: the solution to find your dream job ?

Updated: Apr 16, 2018

In this ultra competitive world in which we are living, it is more and more difficult to find a pleasant and suitable job. Further to the global crisis of 2009, the unemployment raised up everywhere and a lot of people were seeking a job. If the social media had been more developed, they may have found a new job in an easier way than they did. Nowadays, social media propose lots of solutions for social seekers.

First, let’s talk about the first professional social network in the world : LinkedIn. This social networks gathers more than 400,000 users working in 170 different business sectors in 200 countries. LinkedIn aims at creating a link between the workers of the same sector. Thanks to this connectivity, the users can build their own professional network and get in touch with colleagues and potential colleagues. LinkedIn also sends job alerts to its users according to their sector and experience. The platform allows the people to answer these adverts easily and quickly. Today, many people found a job thanks to LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is not the only solution if you are looking for a job. Through social media, you can also find platforms dedicated to adverts. For example, in France, you have, a platform gathering thousands of adverts : you can find property adverts, little adverts, but also job adverts ! If you want to refine your search, you also have adverts platforms specialized in job adverts (jobteaser, indeed, viadeo, and many others). Social media offer you many dozens of solutions to find a job, and even to find an internship !

In February 2018, Facebook wanted to compete with LinkedIn and launched Facebook Jobs, a platform gathering many job adverts. However, wee can have doubts about the efficiency of the platform when most of the users publish their private life on their Facebook page… It seems difficult to look professional in front of your employer on Facebook.


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Guillaume Paulus
Guillaume Paulus
Apr 16, 2018

Hello Fleur, Yes it can be risky if you do it via Facebook. But if you do it via social networks as LinkedIn or via job adverts websites, I think it can be really helpful !


Fleur ClauDargent
Fleur ClauDargent
Apr 15, 2018

Don't you think it's risky to find a job online when, just like you said it, we literally post all of our private life on the internet ?

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